Global Water Health

Who we are

International Innovative Brain Trust, Who shall dissiminate a New Culture In the communication with Water and its positive use in favor of Human Health and Sustainable Social Development (

Mission Statement

To facilitate collaboration between industry, education, research development of new SPA & Wellness & Thalasso methodologies, influences and products, a rapid implementation of innovation in the practice, guiding business to successful investments, improving the quality of life on the planet through the harmony and respect for the water resources of the Earth for our Wellness future and support of the Green Philosophy.


The Cluster platform  Global Water Health brings together in international network for exchanging the best SPA&Wellness&Thalasso practices between Young people visionaries, Experts, Professionals, Managers, Researchers and Academics, Investors, Leaders of National and International Bodies, Regional, National, European and International associations, Leading Business organizations from the public and private sector in Tourism, Health,  Education and Social innovations. For sharing a common future For healthy life style and practices through the Living Power of Water, Which is the basic element of the SPA&Wellness&Thalasso industry.

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